Controlling your money gives you power as a consumer. You decide when and on what you will spend it. One of the most powerful things you can do as a consumer is to have some money saved up but to not spend it on anything. Instead of going to the companies because they have something you want, you make them come to you by lowering prices, making better products, running sales, and so on. One of the reasons Apple is so successful with the iPod is that they have a seXXy product that everyone wants but not everyone can afford or find in stock at a store. They have the upper hand. Now if people were to start saying to themselves, "I want an iPod, but I think I'll just sit on my $500 for a while and think about it," Apple would be forced to look for more ways to entice customers to spend. It is a better position to be in, on the side where you call the shots.
If you eat at Don Pablo's, the terrorists have won. I cannot understand why so much of the population considers places like Don Pablo's, Olive Garden, and Cracker Barrel "good eatin'." Bullshit. It is contrived crap that comes off a Sysco truck. Go out and try something new. Maybe your mommy didn't cook anything other than bland meat and potatoes when you were growing up, but you're an adult now and you can try new things. Italian food doesn't always have to have red sauce. Mexican meals don't always have to start with a basket of chips that have been cooking under a heat lamp for hours and served with watery bland salsa in a little brown plastic "adobe" bowl. In fact, any place where you get a blinking pager and have to wait 45 minutes to an hour for a table is cockslobbering bullshit. There are so many good places to eat out there. Small places with great Mexican, Indian, Thai, Middle Eastern, Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or even African food. If your idea of great pad thai is the shitslop they serve at Noodles & Company, get the hell out of here, right now. Go bother this guy instead. I never want to see you here again. If you are afraid to eat at a place where the wait staff speak English as a second language, the terrorists have won.
If you eat at Don Pablo's, the terrorists have won. I cannot understand why so much of the population considers places like Don Pablo's, Olive Garden, and Cracker Barrel "good eatin'." Bullshit. It is contrived crap that comes off a Sysco truck. Go out and try something new. Maybe your mommy didn't cook anything other than bland meat and potatoes when you were growing up, but you're an adult now and you can try new things. Italian food doesn't always have to have red sauce. Mexican meals don't always have to start with a basket of chips that have been cooking under a heat lamp for hours and served with watery bland salsa in a little brown plastic "adobe" bowl. In fact, any place where you get a blinking pager and have to wait 45 minutes to an hour for a table is cockslobbering bullshit. There are so many good places to eat out there. Small places with great Mexican, Indian, Thai, Middle Eastern, Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or even African food. If your idea of great pad thai is the shitslop they serve at Noodles & Company, get the hell out of here, right now. Go bother this guy instead. I never want to see you here again. If you are afraid to eat at a place where the wait staff speak English as a second language, the terrorists have won.
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